Welcome, Spaceguy! Mission New-Earth 10 will commence once the rocket's supplies get full. Thank God you are here; the evil Venusian empire is sending their invaders to fold our plans, I hope the Planetary Forcefield hold their asteroid attacks.


How to Play

Manage four tasks: Control Room, Forcefield Screen, Cargo Bay Screen, and Supplies Map

  • Control Room Control Spaceguy's action by typing: "Forcefield," "Cargo," "Attack," "Defend" at the textbox. 
    • In the Attack mode, Spaceguy will fire his laser every 2 seconds, to any Venusian at the room. 
    • In the Defend mode, Spaceguy will regain his health.
  • Forcefield Screen After you typed "Forcefield," you will able to change the shield's angle by scrolling the mouse wheel.
  • Cargo Bay Screen After you typed "Cargo," you will able to move the crane's claw, using the directional keys. Move the crates to the right rocket's cargo compartment.
  • Supplies Map Move the drone to the different waypoints by pressing the Numpad 0, 1, 2, 3,4 keys; Bring supplies to the Cargo Bay, and defend the base from the upcoming Invaders.


I  got the Red Alert SFX here.

The voices SFX were made at this page.

The in-game song was made by Power up Music, in 2011.

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